Dandelion Honey

Here’s the full recipe for Dandelion Honey:


  • 4 cups dandelion petals (yellow part only, no green parts)
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 lemon, thinly sliced
  • 1 vanilla bean (optional)
  • 4 cups granulated sugar


  1. Rinse the dandelion petals well to remove any dirt or bugs.
  2. In a large pot, combine the dandelion petals, water, lemon slices, and vanilla bean if using.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove the pot from heat and let the mixture steep for several hours or overnight for a stronger flavor.
  5. Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a clean pot, pressing out as much liquid as possible.
  6. Add the sugar to the strained liquid and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
  7. Reduce the heat and simmer gently, stirring occasionally, until the mixture thickens to a honey-like consistency. This can take 1 to 2 hours.
  8. To test the consistency, place a small spoonful on a plate and let it cool. If it thickens to your desired consistency, it’s ready.
  9. Remove from heat and let the honey cool slightly before pouring it into sterilized jars.
  10. Seal the jars and store in a cool, dark place. The dandelion honey should keep for several months. Enjoy your homemade dandelion honey as a spread, sweetener, or in tea!

most popular questions and their answers related to Dandelion Honey, here they are:

  1. What is dandelion honey?
    • Dandelion honey is a sweet syrup made from dandelion petals, water, sugar, and optional flavorings like lemon and vanilla.
  2. How do you make dandelion honey?
    • The process involves boiling dandelion petals with water, lemon, and optional vanilla, then straining the mixture and simmering it with sugar until it thickens to a honey-like consistency.
  3. Can you eat dandelion honey?
    • Yes, dandelion honey is edible and can be used as a spread, sweetener, or flavoring in various dishes and beverages.
  4. Is dandelion honey vegan?
    • Dandelion honey can be considered vegan depending on the sourcing of the sugar used in the recipe. If using vegan sugar, the honey would be vegan-friendly.
  5. How long does dandelion honey last?
    • Properly stored in sterilized jars in a cool, dark place, dandelion honey can last for several months.
  6. Can you use dandelions from the yard to make honey?
    • Yes, dandelions from the yard can be used to make honey as long as they are free from pesticides and other contaminants.
  7. Can you substitute honey for sugar in dandelion honey?
    • Dandelion honey is traditionally made with sugar, but you can experiment with using honey instead for a different flavor profile.
  8. What does dandelion honey taste like?
    • Dandelion honey has a floral and slightly herbal flavor with hints of citrus from the lemon.
  9. Can you make dandelion honey without lemon?
    • While lemon adds flavor complexity, you can omit it if desired or substitute with other citrus fruits like orange or lime.
  10. Can you freeze dandelion honey?
    • Dandelion honey can be frozen in airtight containers for longer-term storage, but it may change in texture upon thawing.
  11. Is dandelion honey healthy?
    • Dandelion honey contains vitamins and minerals from the dandelion petals but is still high in sugar, so consume it in moderation.
  12. Can you use dandelion honey in baking?
    • Yes, dandelion honey can be used as a sweetener in baking recipes like cookies, cakes, and bread.
  13. How do you sterilize jars for dandelion honey?
    • Sterilize jars by washing them in hot, soapy water, rinsing thoroughly, then placing them in boiling water for 10 minutes or running them through a dishwasher cycle.
  14. Can you add other flavors to dandelion honey?
    • Yes, you can experiment with adding different flavorings like herbs, spices, or floral extracts to customize the taste of your dandelion honey.
  15. Can you use dried dandelion petals to make honey?
    • Fresh dandelion petals are typically used to make dandelion honey, but you can try using dried petals if fresh ones are not available.
  16. Can you use dandelion honey as a cough remedy?
    • Some people believe that dandelion honey has medicinal properties and use it to soothe sore throats and coughs, but scientific evidence is limited.
  17. Can you use store-bought dandelion petals to make honey?
    • While fresh dandelion petals are preferred, you can use store-bought ones as long as they are pesticide-free and suitable for consumption.
  18. Can you use wild dandelions to make honey?
    • Yes, wild dandelions can be used to make honey as long as they are free from contaminants and properly cleaned.

To achieve the perfect Dandelion Honey, consider the following secrets:

  1. Select Fresh, Vibrant Petals: Choose dandelion flowers with bright yellow petals, free from blemishes or discoloration, as they will impart the best flavor and aroma.
  2. Harvest at the Right Time: Pick dandelion flowers on a dry, sunny day when they are fully open. Avoid harvesting flowers that have been sprayed with pesticides or are located near roadsides where they may be contaminated.
  3. Thoroughly Clean the Petals: Rinse the dandelion petals under cold water to remove any dirt, insects, or other debris. Pat them dry gently with paper towels to ensure they are clean and free from moisture.
  4. Use Quality Ingredients: Use high-quality granulated sugar, fresh lemon, and vanilla bean (if desired) to enhance the flavor profile of the dandelion honey.
  5. Infuse Flavor with Citrus and Vanilla: Adding thinly sliced lemon and a vanilla bean to the dandelion petals during the cooking process can impart a delightful depth of flavor to the honey.
  6. Simmer Gently for Flavor Extraction: Allow the dandelion petals, lemon slices, and optional vanilla bean to simmer gently in water to extract their flavors slowly and thoroughly.
  7. Steep for Maximum Flavor: Let the mixture steep for several hours or overnight to allow the flavors to meld and intensify, resulting in a richer and more aromatic dandelion honey.
  8. Strain Carefully: Use a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to strain the mixture after steeping, ensuring that no petals or other solids remain in the liquid.
  9. Slowly Incorporate Sugar: Add the granulated sugar gradually to the strained liquid, stirring constantly until fully dissolved, to achieve the desired sweetness and consistency.
  10. Monitor Consistency: Simmer the mixture gently until it reaches a honey-like consistency, stirring occasionally to prevent scorching. The texture should be thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
  11. Test for Doneness: Perform a “plate test” by placing a small spoonful of the honey on a chilled plate and observing its thickness and texture as it cools. Adjust cooking time if needed.
  12. Cool Gradually: Allow the dandelion honey to cool slightly before pouring it into sterilized jars to prevent thermal shock and ensure proper sealing.
  13. Seal Jars Properly: Ensure that the jars are tightly sealed to prevent air from entering, which could lead to spoilage or crystallization of the honey.
  14. Store Correctly: Store the dandelion honey in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight to preserve its flavor and freshness. Properly sealed jars can last for several months.
  15. Experiment with Flavor Variations: Get creative by incorporating different herbs, spices, or floral extracts to customize the flavor profile of your dandelion honey.
  16. Label Jars Clearly: Label each jar with the date of preparation and any additional flavorings used to keep track of freshness and flavor variations.
  17. Enjoy in Moderation: While dandelion honey is delicious, remember that it is still a sweetener and should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
  18. Share and Enjoy: Share your homemade dandelion honey with friends and family, or use it to elevate your favorite recipes and beverages.
  19. Embrace Imperfections: Dandelion honey may vary slightly in color and flavor depending on factors like flower variety and environmental conditions, so embrace the uniqueness of each batch.
  20. Practice Patience: Creating the perfect dandelion honey takes time and patience, so enjoy the process and savor the rewarding results of your efforts.