Beer Bread Recipe

Beer Bread Recipe:


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour (or self-rising flour, if preferred)
  • 12 oz beer (any flavor, warm or room temperature)
  • Butter or cooking spray for greasing the bread pan


  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Grease a bread pan with butter or cooking spray.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour and beer. Stir until just combined; do not overmix. The batter will be thick and slightly lumpy.
  3. Pour the batter into the prepared bread pan, spreading it out evenly.
  4. Place the bread pan in the preheated oven and bake for 50 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  5. Once baked, remove the bread from the oven and allow it to cool in the pan for a few minutes.
  6. Carefully remove the bread from the pan and transfer it to a wire rack to cool completely before slicing and serving.


  • You can experiment with different flavors of beer to achieve varying tastes. Light beers tend to impart less beer flavor, while darker beers may result in a more prominent beer taste.
  • Some suggest using a pickled flavor beer for added tanginess.
  • While room temperature beer is recommended for best results, using cold beer can also yield delicious bread.
  • The bread will have a texture similar to that of an English muffin, making it perfect for enjoying with butter or jam.
  • If preferred, you can substitute the beer with soda (still 12 oz). The alcohol in the beer will cook out during baking.

Most Popular Questions about Beer Bread Recipe:

  1. Can I use self-rising flour instead of all-purpose flour?
    • Yes, you can use self-rising flour in place of all-purpose flour. It will give the bread a slightly different texture but will work well in this recipe.
  2. Does the type of beer affect the flavor of the bread?
    • Yes, the type of beer you use can affect the flavor of the bread. Lighter beers will result in a milder flavor, while darker beers may impart a stronger taste. Some recommend using a pickled flavor beer for added tanginess.
  3. Can I use cold beer instead of room temperature beer?
    • While room temperature beer is recommended for best results, using cold beer can also yield delicious bread. The difference in temperature may affect the rising of the bread slightly, but it should still turn out well.
  4. How do I store beer bread?
    • Once cooled, store beer bread in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. It can be kept at room temperature for a few days or refrigerated for longer freshness.
  5. Can I add additional ingredients to the beer bread?
    • Yes, you can customize your beer bread by adding ingredients like cheese, herbs, spices, or even chopped nuts. Mix them into the batter before baking for added flavor.
  6. Can I use soda instead of beer in this recipe?
    • Yes, you can substitute the beer with soda if desired. Use the same amount (12 oz) of soda as you would beer. The alcohol in the beer will cook out during baking, so the choice of beverage mainly affects the flavor.

To achieve the perfect beer bread, consider the following secrets:

  1. Use the Right Beer: The type of beer you use will significantly impact the flavor of your bread. Light beers will result in a milder flavor, while darker beers will add a richer taste. Experiment with different types to find the flavor profile you prefer.
  2. Room Temperature Beer: While cold beer can be used, allowing it to come to room temperature before adding it to the dry ingredients can help activate the yeast and create a better rise in the bread.
  3. Choose Self-Rising Flour: Using self-rising flour simplifies the recipe and ensures a consistent rise in the bread. If self-rising flour is not available, you can make your own by adding baking powder and salt to all-purpose flour.
  4. Minimal Mixing: Overmixing the batter can result in a tough and dense bread. Mix the ingredients just until they are combined to avoid overworking the gluten.
  5. Add Flavorings: While beer bread is delicious on its own, you can enhance its flavor by adding ingredients like shredded cheese, herbs, garlic, or honey. Be creative and experiment with different flavor combinations.
  6. Bake Immediately: Once you’ve mixed the batter, bake the bread right away. Allowing the batter to sit can cause the leavening agents to lose their effectiveness, resulting in a less fluffy loaf.
  7. Adjust Baking Time: Keep an eye on the bread while it’s baking and adjust the baking time as needed. Every oven is different, so your bread may require more or less time to bake to perfection.
  8. Let it Cool: Allow the beer bread to cool slightly before slicing and serving. This allows the flavors to develop fully and prevents the bread from becoming too crumbly when sliced.

By following these secrets, you can achieve a perfectly delicious beer bread every time!

To make your Beer Bread Recipe even more delightful, consider these helpful tips:

  1. Choose the Right Beer: Experiment with different types of beer to find the flavor profile you prefer. Light beers will result in a milder taste, while darker beers add depth and richness to the bread.
  2. Add Flavorings: Enhance the flavor of your beer bread by incorporating additional ingredients like shredded cheese, herbs (such as rosemary or thyme), garlic, or honey. These additions can elevate the taste and make your bread more interesting.
  3. Mix with Care: Avoid overmixing the batter, as this can lead to a tough and dense texture. Mix the ingredients just until they are combined to ensure a tender and fluffy loaf.
  4. Use Self-Rising Flour: Using self-rising flour simplifies the recipe and ensures a consistent rise in the bread. If self-rising flour is not available, you can make your own by adding baking powder and salt to all-purpose flour.
  5. Let the Beer Come to Room Temperature: Allow the beer to come to room temperature before adding it to the dry ingredients. This helps activate the yeast and ensures a better rise in the bread.
  6. Preheat the Oven: Make sure to preheat your oven before baking the bread. This ensures that the bread bakes evenly and rises properly.
  7. Bake in the Right Pan: Use a well-greased loaf pan or baking dish to bake your beer bread. This helps prevent sticking and ensures that the bread bakes evenly.
  8. Test for Doneness: To check if the bread is done, insert a toothpick into the center of the loaf. If it comes out clean, the bread is ready. If not, continue baking for a few more minutes.
  9. Let it Cool: Allow the beer bread to cool in the pan for a few minutes before transferring it to a wire rack to cool completely. This helps prevent the bread from becoming soggy and allows the flavors to develop fully.

By incorporating these tips, you can take your Beer Bread Recipe to the next level and create a truly delightful loaf of bread.