air fryer beef jerky

Here’s the full recipe for making the best beef jerky in the air fryer at home:


  • 1 lb thinly sliced beef steak (sirloin steak, round steak) Marinade:
  • 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp chili flakes (optional, or adjust to taste for spicier jerky)


  1. In a bowl, mix together Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, honey, onion powder, and chili flakes (if using) to make the marinade.
  2. Cut the beef slices into strips or squares.
  3. Add the beef strips to the marinade, ensuring that all surfaces of the beef are covered by the marinade.
  4. Cover the bowl and place it in the refrigerator overnight or for at least 3 hours to marinate.
  5. Remove the beef from the marinade and pat dry with paper towels.
  6. Preheat the air fryer to 210°F (100°C).
  7. Place the beef strips in the air fryer basket in a single layer, making sure they are not overlapping.
  8. Air fry the beef strips until completely dehydrated. Set the air fryer to 210°F (100°C) and cook for two hours. Check the jerky, and if it’s not completely dried out, continue to air fry for 15-20 minute intervals until it reaches an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).
  9. Once the jerky is ready, allow it to cool and then store it in an airtight container.


  • The beef should be sliced no thicker than 1/4 inch. Partially freezing the beef can make it easier to slice.
  • Use an instant-read meat thermometer to ensure the jerky reaches the desired internal temperature.
  • Adjust the chili flakes according to your preference for spiciness.

Popular questions related to air fryer beef jerky might include:

  1. How long does it take to make beef jerky in an air fryer?
    • It typically takes about 2-3 hours to make beef jerky in an air fryer, depending on the thickness of the meat and the temperature settings.
  2. What cuts of beef are best for making jerky in an air fryer?
    • Thinly sliced cuts of beef such as sirloin steak or round steak work well for making jerky in an air fryer. The key is to ensure the beef is sliced thinly and evenly for even drying.
  3. Can I use marinades or seasonings for air fryer beef jerky?
    • Yes, marinades and seasonings can add flavor to your beef jerky. Common marinade ingredients include Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, honey, onion powder, and chili flakes. Feel free to experiment with different flavors to suit your taste preferences.
  4. How should I store homemade air fryer beef jerky?
    • Store homemade beef jerky in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week. For longer storage, you can keep it in the refrigerator for up to a month or in the freezer for several months.
  5. Can I make beef jerky in advance and freeze it?
    • Yes, you can make beef jerky in advance and freeze it for longer storage. Make sure to properly package the jerky in an airtight container or freezer bag to prevent freezer burn.

These questions and answers can help guide individuals who are interested in making beef jerky in an air fryer.