Hobo Casserole

Here’s the full recipe for Hobo Casserole:

Hobo Casserole Recipe


  • 1 lb Lean Ground Beef
  • 1 Small Yellow Onion, diced
  • 4 Medium Russet Potatoes, peeled and sliced
  • 8 oz Cheddar Cheese, grated
  • 1 10 oz Can Cream of Chicken Soup
  • 1 10 oz Can Cream of Potato Soup
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
  • ¼ Cup Milk
  • 1 teaspoon Creole Seasoning
  • ⅓ Cup Crispy French Fried Onions
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  2. Add the ground beef to a 10″ cast iron skillet (or a small casserole dish) and press down.
  3. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Sprinkle with diced onions.
  5. Lay the sliced potatoes over the top in an even layer.
  6. Sprinkle the cheese over the top of the potatoes, evenly.
  7. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the chicken soup, potato soup, Worcestershire sauce, milk, and Creole seasoning. Mix well with a whisk.
  8. Pour over the cheese and carefully try to evenly spread.
  9. Cover with aluminum foil and bake in the oven for 1-½ hours.
  10. Remove from the oven, remove the foil, and sprinkle the fried onions on top.
  11. Place under a broiler for a few minutes to brown.

Enjoy your delicious Hobo Casserole!

Most 20 Popular Questions and Their Answers Related to Hobo Casserole:

1. Can I use ground turkey instead of ground beef?

  • Yes, you can substitute ground turkey for ground beef in this recipe if you prefer.

2. Can I use a different type of cheese?

  • Feel free to use your favorite cheese or a combination of cheeses that you prefer.

3. Can I prepare this ahead of time?

  • Yes, you can assemble the casserole ahead of time and refrigerate it until you’re ready to bake it.

4. How do I store leftovers?

  • Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.

5. Can I freeze this casserole?

  • Yes, you can freeze the casserole before or after baking. Wrap it tightly in foil or plastic wrap and freeze for up to 3 months.

6. What can I serve with Hobo Casserole?

  • This casserole is hearty and satisfying on its own, but you can serve it with a side salad or steamed vegetables for a complete meal.

7. Can I use fresh herbs instead of Creole seasoning?

  • Yes, you can use fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, and oregano instead of Creole seasoning if you prefer.

8. Can I use different types of potatoes?

  • Yes, you can use different varieties of potatoes such as Yukon Gold or red potatoes.

9. Can I omit the fried onions on top?

  • Yes, you can omit the fried onions if you prefer or substitute them with breadcrumbs for a different texture.

10. Can I make this vegetarian? – Yes, you can omit the ground beef and use additional vegetables or plant-based meat substitutes.

11. Can I add other vegetables to this casserole? – Absolutely! Feel free to add vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, or peas for extra flavor and nutrition.

12. How can I make this recipe gluten-free? – You can use gluten-free versions of cream of chicken and potato soups, or make your own gluten-free creamy soup base.

13. Can I use other types of soup for this recipe? – Yes, you can experiment with different types of condensed soups to change the flavor profile of the casserole.

14. Can I use a different type of meat? – Yes, you can use ground pork, ground chicken, or ground turkey sausage instead of ground beef.

15. Can I use a different type of seasoning instead of Creole seasoning? – Absolutely! You can use your favorite seasoning blend or a combination of herbs and spices to suit your taste preferences.

16. Can I make this in a slow cooker? – Yes, you can adapt this recipe for the slow cooker by layering the ingredients and cooking on low for 6-8 hours or on high for 3-4 hours.

17. Can I use sweet potatoes instead of russet potatoes? – Yes, you can use sweet potatoes for a slightly sweeter twist on this casserole.

18. How can I make this dish spicier? – You can add diced jalapenos or a sprinkle of cayenne pepper to the ground beef mixture for some heat.

19. Can I use fresh onions instead of dried onions? – Yes, you can use fresh onions instead of dried onions if you prefer. Simply sauté them with the ground beef until softened before assembling the casserole.

20. Can I double the recipe for a larger crowd? – Yes, you can easily double the ingredients and bake the casserole in a larger dish to serve more people. Adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Here are some secrets to achieve the perfect Hobo Casserole:

  1. Choose Lean Ground Beef: Opt for lean ground beef to minimize excess fat in the casserole while still providing flavor and texture.
  2. Season Well: Ensure you season each layer of the casserole, including the ground beef, potatoes, and cheese, with salt, pepper, and any additional herbs or spices you enjoy. This ensures that every bite is flavorful.
  3. Layer Ingredients Evenly: Distribute the ingredients evenly in the casserole dish to ensure even cooking and a balanced flavor profile in each serving.
  4. Use Quality Cheese: Use good-quality cheddar cheese and grate it fresh for the best flavor and texture. Avoid pre-shredded cheese, as it may contain additives that affect the melting and flavor.
  5. Mix Soups Thoroughly: Mix the cream of chicken and cream of potato soups together with the Worcestershire sauce, milk, and Creole seasoning until smooth and well combined. This ensures a creamy and flavorful sauce throughout the casserole.
  6. Cover While Baking: Cover the casserole with aluminum foil while baking to prevent the cheese from burning and to help the potatoes cook evenly.
  7. Add Fried Onions at the End: Sprinkle the crispy French fried onions on top of the casserole during the last few minutes of baking to add a crunchy texture and savory flavor to the dish.
  8. Let it Rest: Allow the casserole to rest for a few minutes after removing it from the oven. This allows the flavors to meld together and makes it easier to slice and serve.
  9. Serve with Fresh Herbs: Garnish the finished casserole with freshly chopped parsley or chives for a pop of color and freshness.
  10. Customize to Taste: Feel free to customize the casserole to your taste preferences by adding additional ingredients such as diced bell peppers, mushrooms, or garlic for extra flavor and nutrition.

By following these secrets, you’ll be able to create a delicious and perfectly balanced Hobo Casserole that your family will love!