13 Genius Vaseline Hacks That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier

  1. Condition scalp: If you have a dry or flaky scalp, you can use Vaseline to condition your scalp and eliminate the flakes. Apply a small amount of Vaseline to your scalp and massage it in for a few minutes before washing it off.
  2. Remove chewing gum: If you have chewing gum stuck to your clothes or shoes, you can use Vaseline to remove it. Apply a small amount of Vaseline to the chewing gum and wait for a few minutes before peeling it off.

In conclusion, Vaseline is not just a simple moisturizer, it is a multi-purpose product that can be used in a variety of unexpected ways. From removing makeup and stickers to soothing sunburns and conditioning leather shoes, Vaseline is a versatile product that everyone should have in their household.