Top 11 genius garden hacks that will save you a lot of money and time

4. Provide your garden with extra nutrition by adding a used tea bag to the earth

We usually throw out our used tea bags immediately after making tea. That’s a huge waste, though, because there are a couple of reasons why a used tea bag can make a big difference in your garden!

  • By adding a tea bag to the earth in your garden, you provide it with extra nutrition. Tea leaves contain tannin and nutrients that serve as a natural fertilizer for the earth. The bag itself is made out of fibers from the stalk of the abaca plant, which is a type of banana plant. The tea will easily dissolve in the earth and provide a healthy environment for flowers and plants to grow.
  • The tea bags also keep vermin at a distance. Used tea bags as well as coffee grounds help to keep vermin away from your flowers and plants. The smell chases away any creatures that would like to take a bite out of your precious plants.
  • It’s also a very smart idea to add a used tea bag to your compost heap. The acids within the tea will speed up the process of disintegration of the compost. This means you’ll be able to use the compost for your garden much sooner than you would otherwise.
  • Bury the used tea bag close to the roots of your flowers or plants in the earth. Doing this will help your plants and flowers retain more water within the earth. This way you will make sure they stay much healthier!
  • By burying a used tea bag in the earth, you’ll make it a lot harder for weeds to grow alongside your healthy plants and flowers.
  • The smell of tea bags will help keep cats out. Sprinkle some tea over the earth of your garden to prevent cats from peeing or pooping all over it.
  • Worms can very easily eat tea leaves. When these leaves have been digested and get back into the earth they’ll produce even more nutrients for a super fertile garden.