Storing Bacon Grease

Full Recipe and Guide for Storing Bacon Grease

Recipe and Storage Method:


  • Bacon grease (collected from cooking bacon)


  • Clean egg carton (paper or styrofoam)
  • Freezer-safe Ziploc bags


  1. Collecting Bacon Grease:
    • Cook bacon as desired, ensuring you collect the rendered bacon grease. Allow the grease to cool slightly but not solidify.
  2. Strain the Grease:
    • Strain the warm bacon grease through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any bits of bacon and impurities. This helps in extending the shelf life of the grease.
  3. Pour into Egg Carton:
    • Pour the strained bacon grease into the wells of a clean egg carton. Fill each well to the top, but be careful not to overfill to prevent spillage.
  4. Freeze the Grease:
    • Place the egg carton in the freezer on a flat surface. Allow the bacon grease to freeze completely, which usually takes a few hours.
  5. Remove Frozen Grease Cubes:
    • Once the bacon grease is fully frozen, pop the cubes out of the egg carton. You may need to twist the carton gently to release the cubes.
  6. Store the Cubes:
    • Place the frozen grease cubes into a freezer-safe Ziploc bag. Label the bag with the date for reference.
  7. Using the Grease Cubes:
    • When needed, take out a grease cube from the freezer and add it directly to your cooking. These cubes are perfect for seasoning beans, sautéing vegetables, or adding flavor to various dishes.

Popular Questions and Answers about Storing Bacon Grease

  1. How long can I store bacon grease in the freezer?
    • Frozen bacon grease cubes can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months. Ensure they are kept in an airtight Ziploc bag to prevent freezer burn and off-flavors.
  2. Do I need to refrigerate the bacon grease before freezing it?
    • No, you can pour the cooled but still liquid bacon grease directly into the egg carton and freeze immediately.
  3. Can I use a silicone ice cube tray instead of an egg carton?
    • Yes, a silicone ice cube tray works well and can make it easier to pop out the frozen grease cubes.
  4. How do I prevent bacon grease from developing a rancid smell?
    • Strain the grease thoroughly to remove any food particles, and store it properly in the freezer in an airtight container to prevent exposure to air and odors.
  5. Can I reuse the egg carton after the grease cubes are frozen?
    • It’s not recommended to reuse the egg carton for future grease storage due to possible grease residue and contamination.
  6. Can I store bacon grease at room temperature?
    • Storing bacon grease at room temperature is not recommended as it can go rancid quickly. It’s best to refrigerate or freeze it.
  7. How do I use the bacon grease cubes in recipes?
    • Simply add a frozen cube directly into your pan when cooking. It will melt and provide flavor and fat for sautéing or seasoning.
  8. Is it necessary to label the Ziploc bag with the date?
    • Yes, labeling the bag with the date ensures you use the oldest grease first and helps keep track of its freshness.
  9. What dishes can benefit from using bacon grease?
    • Bacon grease can enhance the flavor of beans, sautéed greens, roasted vegetables, scrambled eggs, and more.
  10. Can I cut the grease cubes into smaller pieces?
    • Yes, you can cut the frozen cubes into smaller pieces if you need less grease for a recipe.
  11. Can I store bacon grease in a jar instead of freezing it?
    • You can store bacon grease in a jar in the refrigerator for up to a month, but freezing extends its shelf life significantly.
  12. What should I do if the grease has an off smell?
    • If the grease has an off smell, it has likely gone rancid and should be discarded.
  13. Is it okay to store bacon grease from different batches together?
    • Yes, as long as all batches are strained and cooled before combining.
  14. How can I strain the bacon grease effectively?
    • Use a fine-mesh sieve or a few layers of cheesecloth to strain the grease into a container before pouring it into the egg carton.
  15. Can I use bacon grease for baking?
    • Yes, bacon grease can be used in place of butter or oil in savory baking recipes, adding a unique flavor.
  16. What’s the best way to melt the frozen grease cubes?
    • The frozen cubes will melt quickly in a hot pan, but you can also thaw them in the refrigerator if needed.
  17. Do I need to thaw the grease cubes before using them?
    • No, the cubes can be added directly to your pan from the freezer.
  18. Is it safe to use bacon grease that has been frozen for over 6 months?
    • While it’s safe to use, the flavor and quality might decline after 6 months. Use your judgment based on smell and taste.
  19. Can I store bacon grease in a plastic container instead of Ziploc bags?
    • Yes, as long as the container is airtight and freezer-safe.
  20. How do I clean up spilled bacon grease?
    • Use paper towels to wipe up the majority of the grease, then clean the area with hot, soapy water to remove any residue.

By following these tips and guidelines, you can effectively store and use bacon grease, enhancing your dishes with its rich flavor. Enjoy the convenience and delicious results!

Secrets and Tips for the Perfect Guide for Storing Bacon Grease

Storing bacon grease properly can extend its shelf life and ensure it remains a flavorful addition to your cooking. Here are the best practices and tips for storing bacon grease:

  1. Strain the Grease:
    • Why: Straining removes any food particles that can accelerate spoilage.
    • How: Use a fine-mesh sieve or a few layers of cheesecloth to strain the hot bacon grease into a heatproof container.
  2. Choose the Right Container:
    • Why: Proper containers prevent contamination and odor absorption.
    • How: Use glass jars with tight-fitting lids, silicone ice cube trays, or clean egg cartons for freezing.
  3. Cool Before Storing:
    • Why: Hot grease can crack glass containers and lead to condensation, which introduces moisture and can cause spoilage.
    • How: Allow the bacon grease to cool slightly before transferring it to your storage container.
  4. Freezing Bacon Grease:
    • Why: Freezing extends the shelf life up to 6 months and makes portioning easy.
    • How: Pour the cooled, strained grease into an ice cube tray or a clean egg carton. Once frozen, transfer the cubes to a freezer-safe Ziploc bag.
  5. Label and Date:
    • Why: Keeping track of storage times ensures you use the oldest grease first and prevents accidental use of spoiled grease.
    • How: Write the date of storage on the container or Ziploc bag with a permanent marker.
  6. Store in the Refrigerator:
    • Why: If you prefer not to freeze, refrigerating the grease can keep it fresh for up to a month.
    • How: Store the strained grease in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  7. Avoid Contamination:
    • Why: Introducing contaminants can spoil the grease.
    • How: Use a clean utensil to scoop out the grease each time you use it. Never dip dirty or wet utensils into the container.
  8. Check for Freshness:
    • Why: Even properly stored grease can eventually go bad.
    • How: Smell the grease before use. If it has a rancid or off smell, discard it.
  9. Portion Control:
    • Why: Portioning grease into smaller amounts helps in using just what you need without repeatedly thawing and refreezing.
    • How: Freeze grease in small portions, like ice cube trays, so you can use just the right amount.
  10. Avoid Direct Sunlight:
    • Why: Sunlight can degrade the quality of the grease.
    • How: Store the container in a dark, cool place if keeping at room temperature for short periods.
  11. Use Within Recommended Time:
    • Why: For the best flavor and safety.
    • How: Use refrigerated bacon grease within a month and frozen grease within 6 months.
  12. Flavor Enhancements:
    • Why: Enhancing the grease can add extra flavor to dishes.
    • How: Add herbs or spices (like rosemary or garlic) to the warm grease before storing for an infused flavor.
  13. Proper Thawing:
    • Why: Proper thawing preserves quality.
    • How: Thaw frozen grease cubes in the refrigerator or add directly to the pan from the freezer. Avoid microwaving to prevent uneven heating.
  14. Store in Small Batches:
    • Why: Small batches reduce the risk of contamination and spoilage.
    • How: Divide large amounts of grease into smaller jars or containers for more manageable portions.
  15. Use High-Quality Bacon:
    • Why: The quality of bacon affects the flavor of the grease.
    • How: Opt for high-quality bacon to ensure the grease has a rich, desirable flavor.
  16. Seasoning the Grease:
    • Why: Pre-seasoning can enhance your cooking.
    • How: Add a small amount of salt or seasoning to the grease before storing if you plan to use it for specific dishes.
  17. Avoid Plastic Containers for Hot Grease:
    • Why: Hot grease can melt plastic and leach chemicals.
    • How: Use heatproof glass or metal containers for storing hot grease.
  18. Mix with Other Fats:
    • Why: Blending can create a versatile cooking fat.
    • How: Mix bacon grease with butter or vegetable oil for a unique flavor blend.
  19. Reuse Safely:
    • Why: Improper reuse can cause spoilage.
    • How: Only reuse bacon grease that has been properly strained and stored. Do not reuse grease that has been left out for extended periods.
  20. Dispose of Old Grease Properly:
    • Why: To avoid plumbing issues and environmental harm.
    • How: Solidify old grease and dispose of it in the trash, or take it to a local recycling center if available.

By following these secrets and tips, you can ensure that your bacon grease is stored safely and remains a flavorful addition to your cooking. Enjoy the convenience and delicious results of well-preserved bacon grease in your kitchen!