Red Beet Pickles Recipe

Red Beet Pickles Recipe


  • 6 medium red beets, trimmed and scrubbed
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and slightly crushed
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon whole peppercorns


  1. Cook the Beets:
    • Place the beets in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer until beets are fork-tender, about 30-45 minutes.
    • Drain the beets and let them cool enough to handle. Peel the skins off the beets and slice them into 1/4 inch slices.
  2. Prepare the Pickling Brine:
    • In a saucepan, combine apple cider vinegar, water, sugar, salt, garlic, bay leaves, and peppercorns. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Pickle the Beets:
    • Place the sliced beets in a jar and pour the hot vinegar mixture over them, ensuring the beets are completely submerged.
    • Allow the pickles to cool to room temperature, then seal the jar and refrigerate for at least 24 hours before consuming.

Prep Time: 20 minutes | Cooking Time: 45 minutes | Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes Calories: 120 kcal | Servings: 6 servings

Popular Questions and Answers

  1. Can I use a different type of vinegar?
    • Yes, white vinegar or red wine vinegar can be used as alternatives.
  2. How long do the pickled beets last in the refrigerator?
    • They can last up to 2-3 weeks if kept sealed in the refrigerator.
  3. Can I add other vegetables to the pickling mix?
    • Yes, carrots, onions, and radishes work well with beets.
  4. Do I need to sterilize the jar before adding the beets?
    • It’s recommended to sterilize the jar to prevent contamination and extend shelf life.
  5. Can I reduce the amount of sugar?
    • Yes, you can adjust the sugar to your taste preference.
  6. Is it necessary to peel the beets?
    • Peeling is recommended for a smoother texture, but you can leave the skins on for a more rustic feel.
  7. What’s the best way to peel cooked beets?
    • Use a paper towel to rub the skins off easily after they’ve cooled.
  8. Can I use beet juice instead of water in the brine?
    • Yes, using beet juice can enhance the beet flavor.
  9. Can I use pre-cooked beets?
    • Yes, pre-cooked beets can save time. Just make sure they are plain and unsalted.
  10. Can I reuse the brine for another batch?
    • It’s not recommended as the potency diminishes, but you can use it as a marinade.
  11. What’s the purpose of the bay leaves?
    • Bay leaves add a subtle aromatic flavor to the pickles.
  12. Can I use minced garlic instead of whole cloves?
    • Yes, but whole cloves are easier to remove if you prefer not to eat them.
  13. How can I ensure the beets are evenly pickled?
    • Make sure all beet slices are submerged in the brine.
  14. Can I add spices for more flavor?
    • Yes, spices like cloves, mustard seeds, and dill can be added for extra flavor.
  15. Can I use a different sweetener instead of sugar?
    • Yes, honey or agave syrup can be used as alternatives.
  16. Can I can these pickles for long-term storage?
    • Yes, but you must follow proper canning procedures to ensure safety.
  17. Do I need to use fresh beets, or can I use frozen ones?
    • Fresh beets are best, but frozen can be used if thawed and drained well.
  18. How long should I let the pickles sit before eating them?
    • At least 24 hours, but they taste better after a few days.
  19. Can I add herbs like dill or rosemary?
    • Yes, fresh herbs can add a unique flavor to your pickles.
  20. How do I prevent the beets from staining everything?
    • Handle beets with gloves and use a plastic cutting board to prevent stains.

Tips for Perfect Red Beet Pickles

  1. Use Fresh Ingredients: Ensure your beets and other ingredients are fresh for the best flavor.
  2. Uniform Slices: Slice the beets evenly for consistent texture and flavor absorption.
  3. Proper Peeling: Use a paper towel to rub the skins off the cooked beets easily.
  4. Sterilize Jars: Sterilize the jars before use to prevent contamination.
  5. Balance Flavors: Taste the brine and adjust the sugar, salt, and vinegar to your preference.
  6. Spice it Up: Add spices like cloves, mustard seeds, or dill for additional flavor.
  7. Seal Properly: Ensure the jars are sealed tightly to prevent spoilage.
  8. Patience: Let the pickles sit for at least 24 hours to develop their full flavor.
  9. Keep Cool: Store the pickles in the refrigerator to maintain their crispness.
  10. Use Beet Juice: Replace water with beet juice in the brine for a more intense beet flavor.
  11. Layering: Layer beets and garlic evenly in the jar for a consistent flavor profile.
  12. Avoid Overcooking: Don’t overcook the beets; they should be tender but not mushy.
  13. Sweetener Alternatives: Experiment with honey or agave syrup for a different sweetness profile.
  14. Herbs and Aromatics: Fresh herbs like dill or rosemary can add a unique touch.
  15. Monitor the Brine: Ensure all beet slices are submerged in the brine to pickle evenly.
  16. Reusable Brine: While not recommended for pickling again, used brine can be used as a marinade.
  17. Cooling Time: Allow the beets to cool completely before refrigerating to prevent condensation.
  18. Flavor Balance: Taste and adjust the brine before pouring it over the beets.
  19. Storage Time: Pickles taste better after sitting for a few days, so be patient.
  20. Stain Prevention: Use gloves and plastic cutting boards to avoid beet stains.