Ranch Bacon Cheese Pasta Salad

Here’s the full recipe for Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad:


  • 1 package (16 oz) elbow noodles
  • Ranch dressing (amount according to preference)
  • Real bacon bits (to taste)
  • Real cheese block (whichever kind you prefer), cut into small cubes
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Cook the elbow noodles according to the package instructions until they are al dente. Drain the noodles in a strainer and rinse them with cold water to stop the cooking process and cool them down.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooled elbow noodles with ranch dressing. The amount of ranch dressing used can vary depending on how creamy you prefer your pasta salad. Start with a moderate amount and adjust to taste.
  3. Add the real bacon bits to the bowl with the noodles and ranch dressing. You can add as much or as little bacon as you like, depending on your preference for bacon flavor.
  4. Cut the real cheese block into small cubes and add them to the bowl with the other ingredients.
  5. Season the pasta salad with salt and pepper to taste. Be mindful of the salt content of the ranch dressing and bacon bits when adding additional salt.
  6. Mix all the ingredients together until the ranch dressing evenly coats the noodles, bacon bits, and cheese cubes.
  7. If you rinsed the noodles with cold water, the pasta salad should be somewhat cold and ready to eat. If not, refrigerate the pasta salad for a couple of hours before serving to chill it thoroughly.
  8. Once chilled, serve the Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad as a delicious side dish or main course.

Enjoy your creamy, flavorful pasta salad with the perfect combination of ranch, bacon, and cheese!

Certainly! Here are some popular questions and their answers related to Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad:

  1. Can I make Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad ahead of time?
    • Yes, Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad can be made ahead of time. Prepare the salad as instructed, then cover and refrigerate it until ready to serve. The flavors will continue to meld together as it chills, making it even more delicious.
  2. How long can I store Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad in the refrigerator?
    • Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Be sure to give it a good stir before serving, as the dressing may settle at the bottom of the container.
  3. Can I use pre-shredded cheese instead of a cheese block?
    • Yes, you can use pre-shredded cheese instead of a cheese block in Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad. However, using freshly cubed cheese from a block may result in a creamier texture and more pronounced cheese flavor.
  4. What are some optional add-ins for Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad?
    • You can customize Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad with additional ingredients such as diced bell peppers, sliced cherry tomatoes, chopped green onions, diced red onion, or sliced black olives for extra flavor and texture.
  5. Is there a substitute for bacon bits in Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad?
    • If you prefer a vegetarian or lighter option, you can omit the bacon bits altogether or substitute them with vegetarian bacon bits, chopped cooked turkey bacon, or crispy tofu cubes for a different flavor and texture.
  6. Can I use a different type of pasta instead of elbow noodles?
    • Yes, you can use a different type of pasta in Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad. Rotini, penne, bowtie, or shell pasta are all great alternatives that hold the dressing and other ingredients well.
  7. Can I make Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad gluten-free?
    • Yes, you can make Ranch Bacon and Cheese Pasta Salad gluten-free by using gluten-free pasta and ensuring that all other ingredients, including the ranch dressing, bacon bits, and cheese, are certified gluten-free.