Keep Flies Away

Using Irish Spring Soap to Keep Flies Away


  • 1 bar of Irish Spring soap
  • Mesh bag or nylon stocking


  1. Obtain Irish Spring Soap: Purchase a bar of Irish Spring soap from a local store.
  2. Prepare the Soap: Keep the soap as a whole bar or grate it into small pieces if preferred.
  3. Use a Mesh Bag: Place the bar of Irish Spring soap or soap pieces into a mesh bag or nylon stocking.
  4. Hang in Outdoor Areas: Hang the mesh bag or stocking filled with Irish Spring soap in outdoor areas where you spend time and where flies are prevalent. Common places include:
    • Near seating areas on patios or decks
    • By windows or doorways
    • Around trash bins or compost areas
  5. Replace When Needed: Irish Spring soap lasts for a few weeks to a month depending on weather conditions and exposure. Replace the soap or refill the mesh bag as needed to maintain its effectiveness.

Popular Questions and Answers

1. Does Irish Spring soap really keep flies away?

  • Yes, many people report that the strong scent of Irish Spring soap deters flies and other pests from outdoor spaces.

2. Why does Irish Spring soap work against flies?

  • Flies dislike the strong fragrance of Irish Spring soap, particularly the odor of the soap’s essential oils.

3. How long does Irish Spring soap last outdoors?

  • Irish Spring soap typically lasts for a few weeks to a month outdoors, depending on weather conditions and exposure to rain or sunlight.

4. Where should I hang Irish Spring soap to keep flies away?

  • Hang it in areas where you spend time outdoors, such as near seating areas, patios, decks, or around trash bins.

5. Can Irish Spring soap keep other insects away besides flies?

  • While primarily effective against flies, Irish Spring soap may also deter other insects due to its strong scent.

6. How do I hang Irish Spring soap in my yard?

  • Use a mesh bag or nylon stocking to contain the soap. Hang it from hooks, tree branches, or any elevated structure where it can diffuse its scent.

7. Will Irish Spring soap attract animals like deer?

  • No, the scent of Irish Spring soap is often repelling to animals like deer, which tend to avoid areas where the soap is present.

8. Can I use Irish Spring soap indoors to keep flies away?

  • Yes, you can place a mesh bag or soap pieces near windows or doorways to help deter flies indoors as well.

9. How often should I replace the Irish Spring soap to keep it effective?

  • Replace the soap or refill the mesh bag every few weeks or when you notice its scent diminishing.

10. Does Irish Spring soap need to be in direct sunlight to work?

  • No, Irish Spring soap works based on its scent, so it doesn’t need direct sunlight to be effective against flies.

11. Is Irish Spring soap safe for plants?

  • Yes, Irish Spring soap is generally safe for plants. Gardeners sometimes use soap shavings in nylon stockings to protect plants from pests.

12. How do I store Irish Spring soap when not in use?

  • Store unused Irish Spring soap in a cool, dry place to preserve its scent and effectiveness.

13. Can I use scented Irish Spring soap for this purpose?

  • Yes, scented varieties of Irish Spring soap work well since the strong fragrance is what repels flies.

14. Will Irish Spring soap keep mosquitoes away too?

  • While primarily effective against flies, some users have reported that Irish Spring soap can also help deter mosquitoes.

15. Can I use other types of scented soap for this purpose?

  • Yes, other strongly scented soaps may work similarly to Irish Spring soap in repelling flies.

16. How does Irish Spring soap compare to other fly repellents?

  • Irish Spring soap is a natural and chemical-free method to repel flies compared to insecticides or chemical sprays.

17. Can I use Irish Spring soap in my RV or camper to keep pests away?

  • Yes, placing pieces of Irish Spring soap inside an RV or camper can help deter pests like rodents and insects.

18. Is Irish Spring soap effective in humid climates?

  • Yes, Irish Spring soap remains effective in various climates, though you may need to replace it more frequently in humid conditions.

19. Will rain affect the effectiveness of Irish Spring soap?

  • Rain can dilute the scent of Irish Spring soap over time, so replace it or refill the mesh bag after heavy rain to maintain effectiveness.

20. Can I use Irish Spring soap to keep flies away from garbage cans?

  • Yes, hanging a mesh bag or placing soap pieces near garbage cans can help deter flies from congregating in those areas.

Using Irish Spring soap to keep flies away from outdoor spaces is an affordable, eco-friendly method that many find effective. Experiment with placement and amounts to find what works best for your specific environment.